Memorial Day

From the first shots of the Revolutionary War that were fired at Lexington Green to the battles of tomorrow and every conflict in between; Americans have always been willing to give the last full measure of devotion, to their country and its causes.

On Memorial Day we remember the Supreme Sacrifice that so many have made to ensure every manner of freedom available to so many today, and the hope of more freedom and equality for tomorrow.

Let us remember the things that unite us rather than divide, that call us to give selflessly rather than take selfishly. That bring us to a cause greater than ourselves; remembering the fallen whose silent voices forever beckon the living to never forget their sacrifice and how we should live with each other to honor them.

We should also never forget those who may have come home but left a part of themselves that died on the field of battle. And those who are home but are yet to really come home, and the battles both physical and mental that they continue to fight.

In remembering and honoring those sacrifices from yesterday, today and tomorrow, perhaps we can all be our best selves and live together with love and respect. That would be the greatest honor of all.

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